Renewal of Motor Vehicle Licence

To ensure the smooth flow of the licensing process at the Licence Revenue Office or any Regional GRA Office facilitating the sale of motor vehicle licence, owners of motor vehicles are required to present the requisite documents to the Licence Revenue Officer upon application.

The following documents must be submitted to the Licence Revenue Officer upon application:

  • Certificate of Registration (original or photocopy)

Procedure for Renewal of Licence 

If the cashier is satisfied with the documents produced, the applicant is required to pay the relevant fee to the Cashier to effect renewal of licence (see below table), where he/ she is issued with a new Motor Vehicle Road Service Licence.

The applicant is required to produce the following documents to the Cashier:

  • Certificate of Registration
  • Completed Examination Form

The cashier once satisfied with the documents presented informs the applicant of the relevant fee to be paid to effect renewal of licence (see rates attached), where he/ she is issued with a new Motor Vehicle Road Service Licence.


Procedure for Renewal of Licence of a Hire Car in Corporate Yellow

The taxpayer is advised to take the vehicle for a physical examination to ensure that the vehicle still meets the criteria under which the exemption was granted.

For Hire car a detailed examination is conducted to ensure that the color is not changed from Corporate Yellow. The Licence Revenue Officer will prepare an examination form and issue same to the taxpayer. It should be noted the licence for Hire Cars in Corporate Yellow is free.

Procedure for Renewal of Licence of a Minibus in ‘G’ series

It must be noted that for a Mini bus to be registered in the ‘G’ series, the vehicle must meet the following criteria:

  • The vehicle has seats fitted at the front of the vehicle for the driver and two porters only.
  • The side of the vehicle is completely sealed with metal NOT glass.
  • No seats are fitted in the rear of the vehicle.
  • The registration defines approval for three (3) passengers only. (Driver, two porters)
  • The unladen weight of the vehicle, name and address of the registered owner should be painted on the right side door of the vehicle.

The cost associated with the Motor Vehicle Licence application is dependent on the weight of the vehicle.

Applicants are encouraged to utilise the following alternative payment options:


The applicable costs are listed below:

Amendment Current Rates ($)
(1) Vehicles solely for private use in carrying persons or for broadcasting purposes:-

(a) having 2 wheels and not exceeding 200 pound
(b) having 3 wheels
(c)having 2 wheels and exceeding 200 pounds

(2) For each motor vehicle other than a motor cycle:—

(a)not exceeding 2,240 pounds
(b)exceeding 2,240 pounds and not exceeding 3,000 pounds
(c)exceeding 3,000 pounds and not exceeding 4,000 pounds
(d)exceeding 4,000 pounds and not exceeding 5,000 pounds
(e)exceeding 5,000 pounds



 (3) Passenger vehicle for hire or reward

(a) not exceeding 2,240 pounds
(b) exceeding 2,240 pounds and not exceeding3,000 pounds
(c) exceeding 3,000 pounds
Yellow Cab (Corporate Yellow)



(5) (a)For each motor bus used solely in Georgetown or New Amsterdam and seating:—

(i) not more than 14 passengers
(ii) more than 14 passengers

(b)For each motor bus used elsewhere and seating:-
(i) not more than 14 passengers
(ii) more than 14 passengers




(5) For each goods vehicle:—

(a)not exceeding 1120 pounds unladen weight

(b)exceeding 1120 pounds but not exceeding 2240 pounds unladen weight
(c)exceeding 2240 pounds but not exceeding 4,480 pounds unladen weight
(d)exceeding 4,480 pounds but not exceeding 8,960 pounds unladen weight
(e)exceeding 8,960 pounds but not exceeding 13,440 pounds unladen weight
(f)exceeding 13,440 pounds unladen weight


Provided that:

(i) for a motor lorry exceeding four tons, but not exceeding six tons payload, the licence fee shall be
(ii) for a motor lorry exceeding six tons payload, the licence fee shall be
(iii)for an articulated vehicle* the unladen weight of which exceeds 11,200pounds the licence fee
shall be







6. Other Motor Vehicles

(a) for any agricultural motor tractor and trailer which are used for the sole purpose of carrying
agricultural machinery, appliances and produce or any of them to or from, or to and from, any
cultivated plantation, lot or farm within a radius of 6 miles thereof but not in Georgetown or New
(b) for any agricultural motor tractor used alone for the said purpose




 7. For each motor hearse  1,800
 9. For each mechanically propelled crane, hoist, compressor, bulldozer or similar vehicle used in connection with construction, which is not in itself designed or constructed to carry any load other than loose tools and equipment  1,800
 10. (a) For trailer used in connection with a motor car:-

(i) having two wheels
(ii) having more than two wheels
(b) For each trailer capable of being attached to any vehicle, other than a motor tractor or motor car
and not constructed as a permanent attachment to that vehicle



 11. For each ATV

No licence shall be paid for invalid carriage;

No licence shall be required for any motor vehicle or trailer used in any of the following areas: –

  • sugarcane plantation,
  • wood cutting grant,
  • cattle farm,
  • lot or farm under cultivation,
  • cocoa estate,
  • rubber estate,
  • private grant,
  • mining or placer claim

“Passengers”, include the driver

The Minister may define the districts in which the fee for any trailer used on a car shall be one half of the appropriate amount. For any trailer fitted with tyres the fee shall be twice the appropriate amount except if the tyres are pneumatic tyres

The Minister may declare by an order that a particular district in Guyana shall not pay for any licence for a motor vehicle or trailer. The order shall take effect on the first day in any quarter and shall also be published in the official Gazette. However, if an applicant for such a licence makes any payment after the Minister’s order is published in the Gazette, he or she shall be refunded. An applicant for a licence for a motor vehicle or trailer is also within his or her right to appeal if he or she disagrees with a decision by a licencing officer.


The Issuance of a Trade Plate Licence


    The applicant produces the following documents to the Licence Revenue Officer:

    • A Completed Application form.
    • A typed or computer generated letter stating the reason for request.
    • Updated Business Registration.
      A valid form of Identification or Passport.
  • COST

    A fee of Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Guyana Dollars (G$220,000.00) is charged per annum. For each additional Plate a fee of Twenty Thousand Guyana Dollars ($20,000.00) is charged.

    A maximum of Four plates can be issued.


    • The application form and letter are reviewed to ensure that taxpayer is in compliant with filling of returns and payment of taxes, and an interview is conducted to determine eligibility of the applicant.
    • If all tax obligations are fulfilled, and the applicant is deemed eligible the approve Dealers General Licence is prepared.
    • The applicant is referred to the Cashier to effect payment.