Individuals earning an Income in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) per month or a total of nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) at the end of the year 2022 are required to file an Income Tax Return and pay Income Tax at the required rates.
For the Year of Income 2022, the following applies
Income Threshold |
Monthly | $75,000 |
Yearly | $900,000 |
Taxpayers are further reminded that their completed Income Tax Return, along with the 7B Slip (emolument slip, issued by your Employer (s)) are correctly/accurately completed.
It should be noted that the Guyana Revenue Authority primarily focuses on the following information provided on Returns, and as such, must be correctly entered by you the taxpayer, in order for your Return to be properly lodged (filed):
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- Full Name (the name used when you registered for your TIN)
- Valid Identification or Passport; and NIS Numbers
- Occupation
- Employer’s Name / Place of Employment (e.g. Guyana Revenue Authority)
- The earning period worked (e.g January to December 2022 (if you worked the entire of 2022 or August to October 2022)
- Date of birth
- Signature – please note without your signature your Return is considered incomplete and as such will not be categorised as a “filed” Return.
For further information on filing your Tax Return, refer to the next two menu options available on the left.