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Excise Stamps on Cigarettes

Excise Stamps on Cigarettes

June 28, 2023

Georgetown, Wednesday, June 28, 2023: The Revenue Authority wishes to remind all importers, wholesalers and retailers that all imported packages/units of alcoholic/tobacco products must be affixed with an excise stamp in accordance with Regulation 212 of the Customs Act, Chapter 82:01.

Failure to comply with this Regulation have resulted in several illegal/uncustomed brands being seized by the law enforcement arm of the Authority. The illegal/uncustomed brands seized include Atlanta, Nashville, B&B, Ultra Buy, Royal, Milano, Record, Aurora, Gold Mount, Pride, Record, Capital, Star Gold, Rio, 51, Marshal, Capital, Marine, Landus, Pine, Elegance and Tradition.

The Revenue Authority takes this opportunity to reiterate its commitment of working together with legitimate importers and the General Public to ensure compliance with the various Tax, Trade and Border laws.

The Authority, in its on-going effort to tackle the trade of illicit Tobacco brands, hereby notifies importers, wholesalers, retailers and users of tobacco products that the legitimate imported brands, which are thus far, deemed in compliance with Tax Laws and Health Act, are as follows: Pall Mall, Bristol, Dunhill, GT Smart, Darkies and Manchester. These and all legitimately imported cigarettes must be affixed with the requisite Excise Tax Stamps.

As such, persons/companies who may not be fully compliant are hereby urged to visit the Revenue Authority Headquarters to regularize their trade affairs and become compliant, since a zero tolerance approach is being adopted against smuggling and any form of tax evasion. Offenders may face penalties as stipulated under the laws inclusive of prosecution.

Please contact GRA’s hotline numbers 227-6060 extensions 3201-09 for clarification or to report attempted smuggling activities or illicit products.

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