The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) was established in 2017, following the restructure of the Internal Affairs Division. Located on the third floor of the Guyana Post Office Corporation Building (GPO), the unit has been divided into two arms to effectively ensure that compliance and integrity are maintained within the Guyana Revenue Authority. In 2018, SIU surpassed its projected goal as a result of assistance (reports) received by staff and external stakeholders, with 90% of reports being addressed within three (3) months.
To ensure the actions and practices of staff in the course of executing their duties and responsibilities are conducted in conformity with established laws, policies, procedures and rules of conduct in order to promote the image of GRA and to secure public confidence in the integrity of staff.
- Conduct investigations into allegations /complaints against staff which originate both externally and internally.
- Investigate the rapid and unexplained accumulation of wealth of employees.
- Conduct background investigations of potential employees, current employees seeking promotions, transfers to sensitive areas or employees being given additional responsibilities.
- Random monitoring of staff for overtime work, related costs and other proactive initiatives.
- Receive, log track hotline reports on alleged staff malpractice.
Tips to help counter malpractice
Types of reports accepted are as follows:
- Bribery (staff being offered or demanding cash or kind for services rendered).
- Collusion among staff and or between staff and taxpayers.
- Fraud
- Observing staff with exorbitant amounts of fixed and/ or current assets.
- Unethical behaviour of staff within and outside of the working environment.
How to file a report
- Allegations of wrong-doings can be reported through SIU’s hotline number 225-5051 or Email:
- Emails can be sent to the Senior Manager or Manager of SIU.
- Visit the Unit located on 3rd Floor of GPO.
- A report can also be filed at the Commissioner General’s Office or through your respective
Functional Head.
Note: Once a report has been filed, SIU will ensure that you are kept apprised of whether an investigation has been launched or not, and the next course of action should that investigation be launched.
All allegations reported to the SIU will be kept strictly confidential