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Policy 20 – VAT on Sports Gear and Sports Equipment

Policy 20 – VAT on Sports Gear and Sports Equipment

November 22, 2022

This policy forms the guiding principle as it relates to Value-Added Tax Exempt items which may be used within the sports sector.
Schedule II, Paragraph 5 of the Value-Added Tax Chapter 81:05, states that, “The following supplies of sports gear and sports equipment are exempt for the purposes of section 18-

(a) a passenger vehicle as shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have been won abroad, or bestowed as an honorary or prize to a sports personality; and
(b) a supply of cup, medal, shield or similar trophy, which is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner not to be of general utility, not bearing any advertisement, not imported or stocked for the purpose of trade, imported for the purpose of bestowal as an honorary distinction or prize, either won abroad or awarded by a donor resident abroad.”

The following items are Exempt under Schedule II, Paragraph 5 (a) and (b);

  • A supply of sports gear or sports equipment qualifying for exemption from Custom duties under the First Schedule to the Customs Act.
  • The supply of a cup, medal, shield or similar trophy, imported for the purpose of bestowal as an honorary distinction or prize, and either won abroad or awarded by a donor resident abroad. It be must noted that the above mentioned items must be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner-General;
  •  not to be for of a general utility,
  • not bearing any advertisement,
  • not imported or stocked for purpose of trade.
  • A passenger vehicle as shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner-General to have been won abroad, or bestowed as an honorary prize to a sports personality.

With respect to the above provisions, a written request for the exemption from VAT of sports gear, sports equipment, cups, medals, shield, similar trophies, must be made to the Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority and an invoice of the items to be imported must also be attached. Additionally, a recommendation from the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports is required before consideration for the request for exemption is granted. The consideration for concessions are only available to sports organizations and individuals who satisfy the above provisions.

VAT registered companies which supply the above listed items are required to charge VAT at the standard rate of fourteen percent (14%). However, if approval from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority grants the exemption from VAT, then those items would be considered as an exempt item(s) and VAT will not be applicable.

Contact Us:
Tax Advisory Services Section
Communications & Tax Advisory Services Division
Guyana Revenue Authority
200 -201 Camp Street
Tel: 227-6060 | 227-8222 Ext: 8000
Email: taxadvisory@gra.gov.gy
Website: www.gra.gov.gy
