The Taxpayer Identification Number, also referred to as ‘TIN’, is a unique computer-generated number issued to each taxpayer, whether an Individual, Business, Government Department or Special Body. Taxpayers conducting business with the Central Bank, Public Corporation, Government Departments or Public Authorities (inclusive of the Guyana Revenue Authority) is required to register for a TIN. The Guyana Revenue Authority is the only authorised agency that issues a TIN. Further to this, all applications can be made at GRA’s Headquarters, 200-201 Camp Street, Georgetown, or any of its Regional Branch Offices.
Before making an application for a TIN, you must determine the type of business you will be operating, whether a Sole Trader, Partnership or Company.
Additionally, applicants are required to pay a nominal fee of One Thousand Guyana Dollars (G$1,000.00) on the first application. Where the reprint of a Certificate is required, a fee of Two Thousand Guyana Dollars (G$2,000.00) will be charged.