Real Estate Licence

In accordance with the Tax Act, Chapter 80:01, Section 29, every person, other than an auctioneer, who acts as, or carries on the business of a house agent or commission agent, for the sale of houses, tenements or immovable property, is required to take out an annual licence.


  1. Completed Application form
  2. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  3. Valid identification (Passport, Drivcer’s Licence or National ID)
  4.  Updated Business Registration from the Deeds Registry, Companies Act or Articles of Incorporation
  5. Title or Transport for Owner (This is specific to the property for which you will be renting or own)
  6. An Affidavit of Consent, if the individual is not the owner of the property. (This is specific to the property for which you will be renting)
  7. All persons renting must provide a Tenancy Agreement.
  1. Completed Application form
  2. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  3. Valid identification (Passport, Drivcer’s Licence or National ID)
  4.  Updated Business Registration from the Deeds Registry, Companies Act or Articles of Incorporation
  5. Title or Transport for Owner (This is specific to the property for which you will be renting or own)
  6. An Affidavit of Consent, if the individual is not the owner of the property. (This is specific to the property for which you will be renting)
  7. All persons renting must provide a Tenancy Agreement.

The cost for a new or renewed Real Estate (House Agent) Licence is Thirty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Guyana Dollars (G$32,500.00).

This Licence must be renewed on an annual basis.