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Policy 66 – VAT on Spectacles

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), in its continued effort to sensitize the public on matters of interest, has prepared the following policy to provide guidance on Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Spectacles. According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, spectacles are…

Policy 10 – VAT Refunds (Revised Feb 15, 2023)

The following is the Guyana Revenue Authority’s Value-Added Tax (VAT) guiding principle in relation to application for refunds. Many taxpayers have been querying whether they are required to apply to the VAT Department each month for refunds in respect of…

23rd Anniversary Message

GRA's 23rd Anniversary The last 23 years has seen significant strides by the Authority in fulfilling its mission to administer taxes effectively and collect revenue. Leadership, cooperation, and hard work of management and staff, as well as a strategic vision…