The public is hereby advised that the Guyana Revenue Authority will be extending the working hours of its Cashiers for the period April 25-April 29, 2022 and May 3, 2022 to facilitate the timely payment of outstanding taxes. During this…
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is inviting sealed bids for the purchase of forty-two (42) Obsolete Motor Vehicles on a ‘As Is, Where Is’ basis. Inspection by interested bidders will be facilitated daily commencing Monday, April 19, 2022, and concluding…
The Guyana Revenue Authority has reintroduced Tax Sites to assist taxpayers to meet their legal obligations in a timely manner. Taxpayers are urged to file their Individual Income Tax, Individual Property Tax, Company Property Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains…
The following list of Professionals have been issued with Tax Practice Certificates as at March 17, 2022. MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS NO. NAME PROFESSION 1 Shailendra Sugrim Medical Practitioner 2 Sivindranath Mangru Medical Practitioner 3 Dharam Sawh Medical Practitioner 4 Senthil Kailasam…
Georgetown, Thursday, March 24, 2022: In keeping with its mandate to offer its services to stakeholders in all regions of Guyana, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has commenced construction of a new Integrated Regional Tax Office (IRTO) at Onverwagt, West…
Georgetown, Thursday, March 24, 2022: Guyana Revenue Authority wishes to clarify a misleading article in the Stabroek News dated March 24, 2022, on page 8, which states: “GRA,GEA ordered to reinstate licenses to Atlantic Fuels”. The Article further reads, “The…
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) wishes to advise all Importers, Licenced Customhouse Brokers that the Government has given approval for the rates on gasoline and diesel specified under the Excise Tax Act Chapter 82:03 to be reduced as follows: HS…
OPTIMAL This brochure deals with the registration/ sign-up process for OPTIMAL Revenue Management System. OPTIMAL (RMS) allows taxpayers to file their Tax Returns and check their outstanding or refunds due for taxes. This guide is not a substitute for the…
In accordance with the Fiscal Enactments Amendment Act No. 5 of 2022, and with effect from January 1, 2022, the statutory deduction or free pay for employed and self-employed individuals has been revised from seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars…
In accordance with the Fiscal Enactments (Amendment) Act No. 5 of 2022, Section 8 of the Income Tax Act Chapter 81:01 has been amended, thereby increasing the annual statutory deduction from seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($780,000) to nine…