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Excise Stamps on Cigarettes

Georgetown, Thursday, February 17, 2022: The Revenue Authority wishes to remind all importers, wholesalers and retailers that all imported package/unit of alcoholic/tobacco products must be affixed with an excise stamp in accordance with the amendment made under Regulation 212 of…

Excise Notice: County of Demerara (New Licences)

The under mentioned applications have been received for the grant of Certificates for the issue of Excise Licences under the provision of Section 10 (4) of the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, Chapter 82:21.  NEW LICENCES NO. TYPE OF LICENCE NAME…

Reduction of Excise Tax on Fuel

The Guyana Revenue Authority wishes to advise importers and brokers, that the Government of Guyana has approved the further reduction of Excise Tax on the importation of fuel. This measure took effect from Thursday, January 27, 2022. Therefore, in accordance…

Professionals: Tax Practice Certificate

It is 2022 and the Guyana Revenue Authority is urging Professionals to commence renewal of their Practice Certificates. Professionals have from January 1 to February 28 each year to pay professional fees and renew their certificates in keeping with Section…


Georgetown, Wednesday, January 19, 2022: The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) would like to caution the general public to be on alert for potential scam calls from persons pretending to be GRA representatives. It is has come to the attention of…